Zombies – Odessey & Oracle

odessey_oracle_cover“Feel so good you’re coming home soon”

Odessey & Oracle is the second half of Pet Sounds: beautiful, sunlit melodies full of heartbreak.

“Do you remember summer days, just after summer rain?”

It was the autumn of their career. The entire album is suffused with a baroque melancholy.

“You don’t have to worry/All your worried days are gone”

It is sad, but never maudlin. Rather, maturity is the bellwether – there is no grieving over loss. Acceptance is all.

“What’s your name?/Who’s your daddy?/Is he rich like me?”

“Time Of The Season,” the high point of all white-boy R&B. No modern R&B has this sort of sweaty appeal, this menace. “Time Of The Season” is everything The Doors wanted to be and never could.
Rating: A

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About Kent Conrad

To contact Kent Conrad, email kentc@explodedgoat.com